That way the script won't work properly or - in the worst case - won't work at all!
While a script written for X3AP will be loaded in X3TC just fine, new X3AP commands are simply unknown and will therefore be skipped.
Yes, as long as those scripts don't use any script commands, which were introduced with X3AP. What about scripts made for X3AP - are they compatible with X3TC? Otherwise you should be able to use it without problems. If either or both of these listed statements is true for a script, it will have to be adjusted to properly work in X3AP. Please check their specific topics for further information.) (The Ship Command Slots list in the English Community Script & Mod Download Library shows that this is only true for a small amount of scripts, whereby some of them have been adjusted already to work with X3AP. a sector or a specific station within a sector) from X3TC that doesn't exist in X3AP anymore. However, there might be problems, if the script in question does one of the following things:
This means that most of the scripts written for X3TC will work in X3AP just fine. X3: Albion Prelude has been designed to load any script written for X3: Terran Conflict, when properly installed into the X3AP game folder. Are scripts and mods for X3TC compatible with X3AP and vice versa?