When Keep image size is selected, the remaining part of the image is enlarged (when you enter positive values for cropping) or shrunk (when you enter negative values for cropping) so that the width and height of the image remains unchanged.When Keep scale is selected, the size of the image also changes, so in this example the width will be reduced by 3 cm.For example, a value of 3cm in the Left box cuts 3 cm from the left side of the picture. The image is cropped by the amount entered in these boxes. When Keep image size is selected, cropping produces enlargement (for positive cropping values), shrinking (for negative cropping values), or distortion of the image so that the image size remains constant. When Keep scale is selected (default), cropping the image does not change the scale of the picture. In the Crop page, you can control the following parameters:
The options available when cropping a picture